Volume 21 / Issue 5 - May, 2016
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LCSC Program Committee Presents

Friday, May 20, 2016 ANNUAL LCSC Safety Expo: Numerous Speakers & Presenters: Time: Registration: 7:30 a.m. -- 8:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker -- 9:30 a.m. Seminars Begin Location: Lakeland Community College Cost: $30 for LCSC Members and Non-Members Registration on line at www.councilnews.org RSVP Deadline Monday, May 16, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016 Trends in Substance Abuse and Testing: Dr. Nancy Rodway, Medical Director Lake County Health District: Time: Registration: 11:15 a.m. --- Lunch & Program - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites LaMalfa Cost: $20 LCSC Members and $25 Non-Members Registration on line at www.councilnews.org RSVP Deadline Monday, June 13, 2016

Lake County Safety Council Safety Expo @ Lakeland CC

The Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the May LCSC Safety Expo on Friday, May 20.

The goal of the expo is to help attendees find out how effective workplace safety and health programs can increase the overall productivity of their business or organization.

Attendees may choose from 22 class sessions to help learn ways to improve the safety, well-being and quality of life of their workplace.

Attendees also can speak with more than 25 vendors and sponsors on safety related equipment and services all for one nominal admission fee.

The keynote speakers for the fourth annual LCSC Safety Expo is Tom Kasza. He is the director of security for the Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention.

Registration for the expo begins at 7:30 a.m. and includes breakfast. The expo runs from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided from noon to 1 p.m.

The safety expo will be held at Lakeland Community College. The expo is being presented by the Lake County Safety Council, the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation and Lakeland Community College.

The cost of the event is $30 for members and non-members. Reservations may be made online at the LCSC web site listed below.

This is a PRE-REGISTRATION and PRE-PAY event. Classes have a limited number of seats, so early registration is encouraged. The registration deadline is May 17.

The event is sponsored by:

---AEXCEL Corp.

---Avery Dennison

---EA Group

---Lake Health

---HzW Environmental Consultants


---Lantern of Madison

---Lake County Chambers of Commerce

---Safety Compliance Associates

---The Reserves Network

Council Director Dawn Johnston Council Director Elect Position Open Council Secretary Sue Fuerst sfuerst@painesville.com (440) 392-2975 Past Director Mike Orlando morlando@aexcelcorp.com (440) 290-9785 Council Advisor Bob Siktberg bob_siktberg@lincolnelectric.com (216) 383-2141 Council Liaison Al DiFranco adifranco@mentorchamber.org (440) 255-1616 Steering Committee Lee Silvi lsilvi@lakelandcc.edu (440) 525-7252 Dan Nichols dnichols@sfielectrical.com (440) 259-2000 Chris Brill-Packard chris.brill-packard@lakehealth.org (440) 354-1933 Donna McCaskey dmccaskey@eagroupohio.com (440) 951-3514 Andrea Vann andrea@vlchapmanelectric.com (440) 354-2310 Joanne Clapp cfo@perryvillage.info (440) 259-2671 Sandra DiFranco sandra.difranco@redcross.org (216) 426-5080 Clifford Smith clifford.smith@altana.com (440) 954-7653 Gordon Levar gflevar@att.net (440) 479-1539 Council Assistant Mark Wainwright mwainwright@mentorchamber.org (440) 255-1616 Scott Turner Safety Consultant Specialist Division of Safety & Hygiene 216-469-6600 scott.t.1@bwc.state.oh.us Interested in joining our Steering Committee? Contact Mark Wainwright for more information.mwainwright@mentorchamber.org

BWC Update - Prepared for the Next Steps - True-Up

Are you prepard for the next steps in the new workers compensation billing process.

True-Up is coming in July.

Ohio private employers have adjusted to the new way BWC charges for workers compensation coverage.

Last year's change to prospective billing brought a much-needed move to the standard insurance industry practice of charging premiums in advance of extending coverage.

Employers are now enjoying a number of benefits of the new billing system, including more flexible payment options, better customer service and a $1 billion premium credit provided by the BWC to avoid double-billing employers during the switch.

However, the transition process is not fully complete. The payroll true-up is coming in July.

True-up is a new process that requires employers to report their actual payroll for the previous policy year and reconcile any differences in premium paid.

This is an important step that is necessary for the BWC to accurately calculate the premium. It is also critically important to maintaining your policy and your participation in your current rating plan or discount programs.

You must complete the true-up report even if your payroll for the year matches the estimate you receive from the BWC.

Your policy year 2015 payroll true-up notice will be sent July 1 and your report will be due by August 15. Reports must be submitted on line at bwc.ohio.gov or by phone at 1.800.644.6292.

A number of videos, webinars and other resources about prospective billing are available at bwc.ohio.gov.

Attendance - 04/15/16

Action Door
Active Plumbing Supply
Advanced Controls, Inc.
Advocate for Independence
Aexcel Corporation
ALBA Contractors, Inc.
American Red Cross
AMG Resources Corporation
Arcola Building Company Inc.
Around the Clock Home Care
Astro Manufacturing & Design
Avery Dennison - CFF
Avery Dennison - EFD
BCH Electrical Consulting
Beachwood City School District
Brotzman Nursery
Career Centered Staffing
Champion Personnel System
Chemsultants International
City of Kirtland
City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
City of Willoughby
Cometic Gasket, Inc.
Compass Group
Component Repair Technologies, Inc.
Contemporary Electric Inc.
Crossroads Health
Crown Staffing Services, Inc.
CT Consultants
De Nora Tech R&D
Dyson Corporation
EA Group
ECKART America Corp.
EGC Enterprises, Inc.
Empro Job Network (Thomas Emp.)
Enterprise Welding & Fabricating
Equistar Chemicals, Inc.
Euclid Fish Company
Fredon Corporation
Frontage Laboratories
Fusion, Inc.
GBGI, Inc.
Grand Rock
Hartman Personnel Services
Home Care of Lake County
Homestead 1 (Saber-Health)
Homestead II (SaberHealth)
Hose Master LLC
Infinity Resources, Inc.
J.J.O. Construction, Inc.
Kemper House Highland Heights
Kerr Lakeside, Inc.
Kirtland Country Club
Kline Rostocil Construction Corp.
Lake County Nursery
Lake Erie College
Lake Metroparks
Lakeland Community College Retired
Lantern of Madison
Leroy Township
Levin Furniture
Libra Industries
Life Safety Enterprises
Life Services
Lincoln Electric
Lintern Corporation
Lubrizol Corporation
Lubrizol Corporation
Madison Fire District
Madison Local Schools
Madison Township
Madison Village
Mapleview Country Villa
Martin, Inc.
MC Sign Company
McNeil Industries
McPhillips Plumbing & HVAC Co.
Mentor Area Chamber of Commerce
Mentor Public Library
Mentor Public Schools
Mentor Television, Inc.
Merritt Woodwork
Metal Seal Precision
Metz Culinary Management
Midwest Materials
Millennium Control Systems
MJM Industries
Mold Masters Intl. LLC
MT Heat Treating
North American Coating Laboratories
North Perry Village
Northcoast Inc. Recycling Specialists
Omni Cart Services
Pace Engineering, Inc.
Painesville City Board of Education
Painesville Township
Perfection Corporation
Permanent Solution Staffing
Perry Township
Preformed Line Products Company
R.T. & T Machining Inc.
Ranpak Corp.
Reserves Network, The
Roberts Roofing Company
Royal Plastics Inc.
Sheet Metal Products Co., Inc.
Stanley Steemer - Lazar Brothers
Steris Endoscopy
Tom Schaefer Plumbing, Inc.
Tracom - Trailer Component Manufacturing
Transfer Express, Inc.
Tri County Ambulance Service
TT Electronics Integrated Mfg. Services
Universal Metal Products
University Hospitals
USM Precision Products
V.L. Chapman Electric
Vector Technical Inc
Village of Fairport Harbor
Village of Perry
Visiting Angels of Northeast Ohio
Volk Optical
Waste Management
West Geauga Local Schools
Western Reserve Water Systems
Wickliffe Country Place
Willoughby Eastlake Library