Volume 17 / Issue 5 - May, 2012
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LCSC Program Committee Presents

Friday, May 18, 2012 Topic: HAZMAT/HAZCOM Speaker: Dr. Howie Mell, MD, Lake Health Time: Registration 11:15 a.m. - Meeting & Program 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites LaMalfa Cost: $20 for LCSC Members, $25 for Non-Members Registration on line at www.councilnews.org RSVP Deadline Monday, May 14, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012 Topic: DOT Update - Compliance Issues/DOT Auditor Speaker: PUCO Speaker (TBD) Time: Registration 11:15 a.m. - Meeting & Program 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites LaMalfa Cost: $20 for LCSC Members, $25 for Non-Members Registration on line at www.councilnews.org RSVP Deadline Monday, June 11, 2012

Hazmat/Hazcom Presentation Set

The Lake County Safety Council is proud to host the Hatmat/Hazcom presentation of Howard Mell, MD, Lake Health on Friday, May18.

The event will be held at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites LaMalfa, with registration beginning at 11:15 a.m.

The cost of the event is $20 for members and $25 for non-members, and reservations may be made online at the LCSC web site listed below.

The event is sponsored by:

---Lake Health

---HzW Environmental Consultants

---EA Group

Council Director Mike Orlando morlando@aexcelcorp.com (440) 290-9785 Council Director Elect Position Open Council Secretary Sue Fuerst sfuerst@painesville.com (440) 392-2975 Past Director Cliff Smith cliffsmithehs@componentrepair.com (440) 255-1793 Council Advisor Bob Siktberg bob_siktberg@lincolnelectric.com (216) 383-2141 Council Liaison Kevin Malecek kmalecek@mentorchamber.org (440) 255-1616 Steering Committee Dawn Johnston dawn.johnston@averydennison.com (440) 358-4646 Henry Brooks henry@thejobsnetwork.com (440) 350-9292 Lee Silvi lsilvi@lakelandcc.edu (440) 525-7252 Dan Nichols dnichols@sfielectrical.com (440) 259-2000 Chris Brill-Packard chris.brill-packard@lakehealth.org (440) 354-1933 Donna McCaskey dmccaskey@eagroupohio.com (440) 951-3514 Sue Fuerst sfuerst@painesville.com Council Assistant Mark Wainwright mwainwright@mentorchamber.org (440) 255-1616 Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Representative Dennis Patterson 216-403-7433 dennis.patterson@bwc.state.oh.us Ron Abrams 216-308-2996 ron.a.2@bwc.state.oh.us Interested in joining our Steering Committee? Contact Scott Cole for more information.

Small Business Symposium AND Safety at Lakeland CC

The Lake County Safety Council is a sponsor of the Keynote Speaker at the Lakeland Community College Small Business Symposium "Road To Success."

The speaker is nationally-renouned business and personal safety training expert Pat Malone.

His topic will be "Safety for Your Business, for You and for Your Family.

He will share insights and expertise on how businesses and individuals can avoid being victims of crime through: Awareness, Avoidance and as a last resort Application.

Malone's client list includes: the US Navy Seals, the FBI, the Cleveland Clinic, Sony Corporation, Merrill Lynch, KeyBank, Exxon Mobil, STERIS Corporation, Sylvester Stalone and Cameron Diaz.

Attendance - 04/20/12

Action Door
Active Plumbing Supply
Aexcel Corporation
Air Power Dynamics
ALBA Contractors, Inc.
American Controls LLC
American Red Cross
AMG Resources Corporation
Apple Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Aqua Ohio, Inc.
Arcola Building Company Inc.
Around the Clock Home Care
Astro Manufacturing & Design
Avery Dennison - CFF
Avery Dennison - PFF
Avery Dennison - PTD
Beachwood City School District
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. City Schools
Career Tech
Cast Nylons Ltd.
Chardon Metal Products
Chemsultants International
City of Eastlake
City of Mentor
City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
Classic Auto Group
Cometic Gasket, Inc.
Component Repair Technologies, Inc.
Concord Township
Core Systems LLC
Crossroads Health
CT Consultants
Damon Morgan Corporation
Dyson Corporation
EA Group
Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve
Employ Ease
Empro Job Network (Thomas Emp.)
Equistar Chemicals, Inc.
Euclid Fish Company
Food For Thought
Fredon Corporation
Frontage Laboratories
Fusion, Inc.
Grand Rock
Hardy Industrial Technologies
Hartman Personnel Services
Heartland of Mentor
Highland Products
Holden Forests and Gardens
Home Care of Lake County
Hose Master LLC
HZW Environmental Consultants, LLC
Industrial Pump and Valve Repair
Infinity Resources, Inc.
K W Land Mechanical, Inc.
Kalcor Coatings Company
Kemper Company
Kemper House Olmsted Falls
Kerr Lakeside, Inc.
KW Lang Mechanical
Lake Business Products
Lake County Commissioners
Lake County Nursery
Lake Erie College
Lake Metroparks
Lakeland Community College Retired
Lantern of Madison
Levin Furniture
Libra Industries
Life Services
Lincoln Electric
Lintern Corporation
Lubrizol Corporation
Lubrizol Corporation
Madison Health Care
Madison Township
MC Sign Company
McNeil Industries
McPhillips Plumbing & HVAC Co.
MedLab Green
Mentor Area Chamber of Commerce
Mentor Public Library
Mentor Public Schools
Mentor Television, Inc.
Mentor Way Nursing & Rehabilitation
Merritt Woodwork
Midwest Materials
Millennium Control Systems
Modern Employment
MT Heat Treating
North American Coating Laboratories
North Perry Village
Northcoast Inc. Recycling Specialists
NOVA Chemicals
Omni Cart Services
Pace Engineering, Inc.
Perfection Corporation
Permanent Solution Staffing
Perry Township
PET Processors, L.L.C.
Preformed Line Products Company
R.T. & T Machining Inc.
Ranpak Corp.
Restorx MD
Royal Plastics Inc.
Steris Endoscopy
The News-Herald
Tom Schaefer Plumbing, Inc.
Tracom - Trailer Component Manufacturing
Transfer Express, Inc.
Tri County Ambulance Service
Universal Metal Products
University Hospitals
USM Precision Products
V.L. Chapman Electric
Village of Fairport Harbor
Visiting Angels of Northeast Ohio
Volk Optical
Wickliffe Country Place
Willoughby Eastlake City Schools

BWC new Safety Management Self-Assessment form

A new service offering on the BWC web site ohiobwc.com was implemented recently that incorporates the (former) Safety Review (DFSP-2) into the DFSP program application process.

It is now the Safety Management Self-Assessment (SH-26). It is required of other BWC programs as well so the online submission will first determine if a form has previously been submitted.

If an SH-26 in not on file, the employer or their TPA of record will be prompted to enter the required form first. Then the DFSP application process will continue.

BWC Programming Announcements

Below listed is BWC programming information which may be of interest.

1. Drug Free Safety Program – Online form application announcement:

If your company is interested in joining the Drug Free Safety Program – please visit the BWC of Ohio webpage: http://www.ohiobwc.com/employer/programs/dfspinfo/dfspdescription.asp

BWC of Ohio Announcement - A new service offering on the BWC of Ohio website ohiobwc.com was implemented recently that incorporates the (former) Safety Review (DFSP-2) into the DFSP program application process. It is now the Safety Management Self-Assessment (SH-26).

It is required of other BWC programs as well so the online submission will first determine if a form has previously been submitted. If an SH-26 is not on file, the employer or their TPA of record will be prompted to enter the required form first. Then the DFSP application process will continue.

The BWC of Ohio is requesting all employers to submit the online form to decrease manual processing of forms in order to reduce administration costs and to assist the employer with program eligibility.

For the online form – visit http://www.ohiobwc.com/employer/forms/dfsp/u140/default.aspx scroll down until you see: Do you have all the required information at hand? If so, you are ready to begin completing the form. When completing the online form, please use the previous and next buttons located at the bottom of the page to navigate through the form.

Begin online form now.

Do not fax the form to the BWC of Ohio – please use the online form per the BWC of Ohio.

2. Announcement – May 1, 2012 from BWC of Ohio:

BWC announced that the deadline for application on the Transitional Work Bonus Program and the Industry Specific Safety Program has been extended to May 25, 2012. Please click on the link https://www.ohiobwc.com/home/current/releases/2012/042712.asp to view the web article.

We are hoping to make outreach to many more employers over the coming month:

• We will be reviewing opportunities for additional seminars in the BWC Service Offices around the state.

• An informational direct mailer about ISSP is being sent to employers that would have been eligible for the program 07-01-2011. Approximately 7,000 employers will be receiving the mailer.

• Additional contact list will be developed and distributed to BWC staff for outreach.

Please help BWC get the word out that the application deadline has been extended to as many employers as possible by encouraging your clients to visit the Destination: Excellence page on our website at www.ohiobwc.com where they can apply online for these programs. Please e-mail the Destination: Excellence e-mail box at Excellence.Destination@bwc.state.oh.us with any questions.

**Please note: the application deadline for DFSP was not extended.