Volume 16 / Issue 9 - September, 2011
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LCSC Program Committee Presents

Friday, October 21, 2011 Topic: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls SpeakerSteve Manning, Red Wing Shoes Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotels & Suites LaMalfa Cost: $18 for members and $20 for non-members Pre-registration is required. No refunds
Friday, November 18, 2011 Topic: TBD SpeakerOfficer Jeff Stanczyk, Community Policing United, Cleveland Police Department Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotels & Suites LaMalfa Cost: $18 for members and $20 for non-members Pre-registration is required. No refunds

Infectious Diseases and the Work Place

The Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the September program addressing the critical issue of "Infectious Diseases in the Work Place."

This program will be presented by Dr. Nancy Rodway, Lake Health, MS, MPH - Medical Director, Occupational Health & Ambulatory Centers.

Among other items, Dr. Rodway will address:

--Risk & How to Manage It...

.....inlcuding Influenza, MRSA, pink-eye, strep throat, ringworm and the Common Cold.

The meeting is at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites LaMalfa on Friday, September 16.

Registration begins at 11:15 a.m.

The meetiing cost is $18 for LCSC members and $20 for non-members.

Reservations are required and may be made by going to the LCSC web site. The link is listed below.

Council Director Cliff Smith cliffsmithehs@componentrepair.com (440) 255-1793 Council Director Elect Position Open Council Secretary Position Open Past Director Chris Brill-Packard chris.brill-packard@lakehealth.org (440) 354-1933 Council Advisor Bob Siktberg bob_siktberg@lincolnelectric.com (216) 383-2141 Council Liaison Marie Pucak, IOM MPucak@MentorChamber.org (440) 255-1616 Steering Committee Dawn Johnston dawn.johnston@averydennison.com (440) 358-4646 Lee Silvi lsilvi@lakelandcc.edu (440) 525-7252 Dan Nichols dnichols@sfielectrical.com (440) 259-2000 Donna McCaskey dmccaskey@eagroupohio.com (440) 951-3514 Sue Fuerst sfuerst@painesville.com Mike Orlando morlando@aexcelcorp.com (440) 205-7317 Council Assistant Mark Wainwright mwainwright@mentorchamber.org (440) 255-1616 Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Representative Dennis Patterson 216-403-7433 dennis.patterson@bwc.state.oh.us Ron Abrams 216-308-2996 ron.a.2@bwc.state.oh.us Interested in joining our Steering Committee? Contact Scott Cole for more information.

BWC Sponsoring Small Business Conference

The Bureau of Workers' Compensation is co-sponsoring a conference for small businesses and entrepreneurs on September 15 on the campus of Shawnee State University in Portsmouth.

The cost to attend is $10. The conference will feature panel discussions, including members of the small-business community and the financial industry.

Attendees will learn useful tips from successful business owners and get information from financial experts on obtaining capital.

The conference also provides an opportunity to network with other small businesses and find out about contract opportunities. Visit ohiobwc.com for aditional details.

Attendance - 08/19/11-The Hazards of Combustible Dust

Active Plumbing Supply
Advocate for Independence
Aexcel Corporation
Air Power Dynamics
ALBA Contractors, Inc.
Allied Door Systems
American Controls LLC
American Red Cross
AMG Resources Corporation
Apple Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Aqua Ohio, Inc.
Arcola Building Company Inc.
Around the Clock Home Care
Astro Manufacturing & Design
Beachwood City School District
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. City Schools
Brookdale of Mentor
Career Tech
Chardon Metal Products
Chemsultants International
City of Eastlake
City of Kirtland
City of Mayfield Heights
City of Mentor
City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
City of Wickliffe
Cometic Gasket, Inc.
Component Repair Technologies, Inc.
Concord Township
Core Systems LLC
Crossroads Health
CT Consultants
D & S Automotive
Damon Morgan Corporation
Dyson Corporation
EA Group
Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve
Empro Job Network (Thomas Emp.)
Equistar Chemicals, Inc.
Euclid Fish Company
Fluid Line Products
Food For Thought
Fredon Corporation
Frontage Laboratories
Fusion, Inc.
Grand Rock
Hartman Personnel Services
Home Care of Lake County
HZW Environmental Consultants, LLC
Infinity Resources, Inc.
Kalcor Coatings Company
Kemper Company
Kemper House Olmsted Falls
Kerr Lakeside, Inc.
KW Lang Mechanical
Lake Business Products
Lake County Nursery
Lake Erie College
Lake Metroparks
Lakeland Community College Retired
Lantern of Madison
Levin Furniture
Libra Industries
Lincoln Electric
Madison Health Care
Madison Local Schools
Madison Township
MC Sign Company
McNeil Industries
McPhillips Plumbing & HVAC Co.
MedLab Green
Mentor Area Chamber of Commerce
Mentor Public Library
Mentor Public Schools
Mentor Television, Inc.
Midwest Materials
Modern Employment
North American Coating Laboratories
Northcoast Inc. Recycling Specialists
NOVA Chemicals
Ohio Moulding Corporation
Pace Engineering, Inc.
Perry Township
PET Processors, L.L.C.
Preformed Line Products Company
Quality Assurance Supported Living Services, Inc.
R.T. & T Machining Inc.
Royal Plastics Inc.
SafeAir Contractors, Inc.
Tom Schaefer Plumbing, Inc.
Tracom - Trailer Component Manufacturing
Transfer Express, Inc.
University Hospitals
USM Precision Products
V.L. Chapman Electric
Wickliffe Country Place
Willoughby Eastlake City Schools

BWC to Help PEO With Safety Needs

Both Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and Ohio employers that work with them can request safety consultive services directly from the Bureau of Workers' Compensation.

BWC safety professionals will visit the workplace to provide the knowledge, tools and skills needed to prevent injuries and illnesses.

The BWC has experts in industrial and construction safety, industrial hygiene and ergonomics and can provide services customized to the workplace.

These services are - safety program advice; employee training opportunities; written program assistance; hazard assessment and control assistance; safety culture and behavior change processes and safety team/committee design and evaluation.

State-funded and self-insured employers in the PEO/client relationship may request safety consultation services by contacting the BWC's Division of Safety and Hygiene.

This includes PEO employers and employers who have contracted services through a PEO. These employers must request services for their own policy number and at their location.

BWC Fraud Investigations Series

The Bureau of Workers' Compensation Special Investigative Department (SID) has started a series of educational and interactive articles highlighting its work to identify and put a stop to workers' compensation fraud.

The articles will focus on the team's activities with details on common fraud schemes, identify red flags that could be signs of fraud, and feature examples of current cases.

The SID is comprised of several types of teams with expertise in different types of fraud:

-- three regional claimant fraud special investigation teams operate in most customer service offices;

-- the health care provider team, employer team and safety violations investigation unit are each comprised of team members located throughout the state;

-- the intelligence unit, digital forensics unit and BWC security services operate through the BWC's central office.

The August monthly focus was on employer fraud, injured worker fraud is schedule for September and health care fraud is scheduled for October.

You may visit the SID's Facebook and Twitter pages to follow the series, report fraud and keep up on the latest news.