Volume 25 / Issue 11 - November, 2020
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LCSC Program Committee Presents

Friday, November 13, 2020
Topic: Project DAWN - Overdose Prevention, Training & Intervention

Nikesha Yarbrough, Health Educator, Lake County General Health District


9 to 10 a.m.


Webinar - Virtual Mtg.

Cost: NO Charge - Virtual Meeting


Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone) training to know how to save a friend, colleague/co-worker or customer


Friday, December 11, 2020
Topic: Business Risk Reduction - Prevent/Mitigate Company Risk thru Public Safety Education

Jerry Craddock, Public Education Specialist, Mentor Police Department




Webinar - Virtual Mtg.

Cost: NO Charge - Virtual Meeting


Business and Community risk Reduction- Prevent/Mitigate Company Risk thru Public Safety Education


Project DAWN - Overdose Prevention, Training & Intervention

The steering committee for the Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the November virtual/webinar program  ---  Project DAWN - Overdose Prevention, Training & Intervention  --- with keynote speaker Mikesha Yarbrough, Health Educator, Lake County General Health District.

The program is from 9 to 10 a.m. on Friday, November 13, 2020.  This training event is provided to you by the LCSC steering committee.

The webinar "Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone) - Overdose Prevention, Training and Intervention" will provide important instruction and review for employers and employees on how to save friends, colleagues/co-workers and customers from an overdose.

Yarbrough has been a health educator for more than 13 years, specializing in unintentional injury prevention and poison prevention for at risk population. She served as chair of the Prescription Drug Abuse Action Group, now the Overdose Prevention Network led by the Ohio Department of Health in 2011 to 2013.

Among other items, attendees will learn the scope of the opioid problems both locally and statewide. They will learn how Project DAWN was formed and how Coronavirus-19 (COVOD-19) has impacted the opioid epidemic and overdose risks.

Yarbrough also was a member of the Cuyahoga County Opiate Task Force for three years. After working at poison control centers for eight (8) years she said she believes assisting community stakeholders in educational efforts regarding safe usage, storage and disposal of opioid substances plays a vital role in reducing the stigma around substance use disorders.

Attendees also will learn how to recognize an overdose and why having naloxone is beneficial for the workplace and the community. This educational training provides insight into how the opioid epidemic touches every community, rural or urban. It is designed to explain what opioids are, how to recognize an overdose, learn who is a risk for an overdose and how business/industry and community members can help join the fight to save lives by learning how to use naloxone.

This is a virtual meeting and the registration information will be sent soon:


Council Director
Chris Brill-Packard
(440) 354-1933

Council Director Elect
Jim Ruttinger
(440) 710-5399

Council Secretary
Sue Fuerst
(440) 392-2975

Past Director
Gordon Levar
(440) 479-1539

Council Advisor
Bob Siktberg
(216) 383-4737

Council Liaison
Chris Weber-Bresky
(440) 255-1616

Steering Committee
Donna McCaskey
(440) 951-3514

Lee Silvi
(440) 525-7252

Clifford Smith
(440) 954-7653

Tymra Gerhart
(440) 352-4079

Tobin Hawes
(440) 205-3933

Bob Bradley
(440) 639-4494

Mike Orlando

Council Assistant
Mark Wainwright
(440) 255-1616

Ohio Bureau of Workers'
Compensation Representative

Jennifer Lingafelter
Garfield Heights Office

Interested in joining our Steering Committee? Contact Mark Wainwright for more information.

BWC News & Notes


Employers: Watch your mailbox!

On Friday we start mailing more than a billion dollars in dividend checks to our employer community to mitigate COVID-19’s ongoing impact on their bottom lines. At the urging of Governor Mike DeWine, our Board of Directors approved the distribution at its Sept. 25 meeting.

All told, 178,425 private and public employers covered by the State Insurance Fund will receive $1.34 billion in checks and credits to their BWC accounts. For more information, read our news release and our dividend FAQs


More masks on their way

Back in May we started sending millions of face masks to our employer community to weaken the spread of COVID-19 under our Protecting Ohio’s Workforce – We’ve Got You Covered initiative. Our Board of Directors recently approved a second rollout, which will begin in the coming weeks and continue over the next several months. We are sending 23 million masks, virtually all made in Ohio, to employers in good standing at no impact to their premium. Thank you for doing your part to keep Ohio safe!


Medical & Health Symposium goes online

Save these dates — April 8–10, 2021 — for our first-ever online Medical & Health Symposium offering free learning opportunities and continuing education credits.

Our award-winning symposium features a provider staff forum for office staff members/managers and a vocational rehabilitation workshop on April 8. We will offer two days of provider clinical education on April 9 – 10.

Health care exhibitors may take advantage of virtual symposium opportunities by emailing medsymposium@bwc.state.oh.us.  


Earn credits for virtual safety training

Our Division of Safety & Hygiene is offering credits for virtual training classes, similar to what you would earn if you attended an in-person class. Visit the BWC Learning Center to enroll in any section listed as virtual, just as you normally would, and enjoy these no-cost classes, which include:

Virtual class



Job Safety Analysis                                               

Oct. 27

9:30 a.m.

Developing a Driver Safety Program

Oct. 28

1 p.m.

Accident Analysis Half-Day Workshop

Nov. 5

9:30 a.m.

Hazard Communication Half-Day Workshop

Nov. 12

9:30 a.m.

Electrical Basics

Nov. 17

9:30 a.m.

Lockout/Tagout and Safety-related Work Practices

Nov. 18

9:30 a.m.


News briefs

Shawn Crosby named BWC’s claims chief Administrator/CEO Stephanie McCloud this month named Shawn Crosby as our new chief of claims services.

Crosby joined BWC in 1993 and has held numerous positions over the years, including project manager, injury management supervisor, trainer, and most recently Cincinnati claims director. You can read more about Shawn in this news release on our website.

October edition of Safety Update

Click here to check out the latest news from NIOSH and OSHA.





Thank You To Our Meeting Sponsors

Attendance - 02/21/20-How to Successfully Use Baby Boomers and Generation X to Train Millennials On “Your Company’s Way” of Getting the Job Done Right and Safe

A Heavenly Helper Home Care
Action Door
Active Plumbing Supply
Advocate for Independence
Aexcel Corporation
Alloy Precision Technologies
Amerathon, LLC
AMG Resources Corporation
Anderson Heating & Cooling
Astro Manufacturing & Design
Beachwood City School District
Building Technicians Corporation
Career Centered Staffing
Cast Nylons Ltd.
Chemsultants International
City of Eastlake
City of Kirtland
City of Mayfield Heights
City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
City of Willoughby
Classic Auto Group
Component Repair Technologies, Inc.
Concord Township
Contemporary Electric Inc.
CPP Eastlake
Crossroads Health
Crown Staffing Services, Inc.
CT Consultants
De Nora Tech Manufacturing
Dyson Corporation
Empro Job Network (Thomas Emp.)
Enterprise Welding & Fabricating
Euclid Fish Company
Federal Hose Manufacturing LLC
Fredon Corporation
Frontage Laboratories
Fusion, Inc.
Grand Rock
Holden Forests and Gardens
HZW Environmental Consultants, LLC
Infinity Resources, Inc.
Inova Staffing Services
Just In Time Staffing
Kalcor Coatings Company
Kerr Lakeside, Inc.
Kirtland Local Schools
Kline Rostocil Construction Corp.
Lake County Council on Aging
Lake County General Health District
Lake County Nursery
Lake Metroparks
Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority
Lakeland Community College Retired
Lakeside Safety Management
Lantern of Madison
Lassiter and Son, LLC
Leroy Township
Levin Furniture
Libra Industries
Life Services
Lincoln Electric
Lintern Corporation
Madison Health Care
Mar-Bal, Inc.
McPhillips Plumbing & HVAC Co.
Mentor Area Chamber of Commerce
Mentor Public Library
Mentor Public Schools
Metal Seal Precision
Metz Culinary Management
Midwest Materials
MJM Industries
Moving Ahead Services
MT Heat Treating
MUM Industries
North American Coating Laboratories
Northeast Masonry
Olon Ricerca Bioscience, LLC
Pace Engineering, Inc.
Painesville Township
Perry Local School District
Perry Township
Preformed Line Products Company
Process Technology
R.T. & T Machining Inc.
Rabbinical College of Telshe
Race Winning Brands
Ranpak Corp.
RJ Kirkland Construction Co., Inc.
Royal Plastics Inc.
Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio
Steris Endoscopy
Symphony at Mentor
The News-Herald
Tom Schaefer Plumbing, Inc.
Transfer Express, Inc.
Tri County Ambulance Service
Triad McNally Joint Venture
TT Electronics Integrated Mfg. Services
Universal Metal Products
University Hospitals
V.L. Chapman Electric
Vector Technical Inc
Vicon Fabricating Company
Village of Fairport Harbor
Visiting Angels of Northeast Ohio
West Geauga Local Schools
Yokohama Industries Americas Ohio Inc.