Volume 23 / Issue 4 - April, 2018
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LCSC Program Committee Presents

Date:  Friday, April 20, 2018 (PLEASE NOTE DATE)
Topic: Ohio BWC & LCSC Safety Awards Program (and) "State of the BWC" address

Speaker: John Annarino, Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation, Chief Medical and Health Officer


Registration: 11 a.m. Lunch & Program: 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.


PLEASE NOTE LOCATION: Villa Croatia - Event Venue & Party Center (The Croatian Lodge), 34900 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake, OH 44095

Cost: Members: $20
Non-Members: $25

Ohio BWC & LCSC Safety Awards Program

The steering committee for the Lake County Safety Council is proud to present the April monthly program  ---  the Ohio BWC & LCSC Safety Awards Program --- on Friday, April 20.

More than 125 companies will be presented with their 2017 outstanding safety achievement awards, including more than 40 companies that worked at least 500,000 hours and six (6) months without a lost time injury and nearly 80 companies that worked the entire year without a lost time injury.

The keynote speaker will be John Annarino, Chief Medical and Health Officer for the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation. He will provide essential information on a number of BWC initiatives as they relate to the health and medical care of injured workers. The overall theme will be "A Holistic Approach to Caring for the Injured Worker."

In his position as chief medical and health officer, Annarino leads the way in health care reforms, coordinating with medical staff and senior BWC management to create a cutting edge health care system.

His presentation will cover topics such as:

--The falling claim numbers and the growing number of employers using the agencies safety services

---The injury trends in Ohio and for Lake County

---The Enhanced Care Program - which began as a pilot program in 2016 in 16 counties in northeastern Ohio - it is being rolled out statewide.

John works with the chiefs of medical services, medical operations and medical directors to lead and handle managed care, provider relations and other everyday operational responsibilities. He previously served as the BWC's chief legal officer from 1995 thru 2005 and executive director of the Industrial Commission of Ohio.

His presentation also will include topics concerning:

---New investments in the health and safety of workers

---The new Health and Behavior Assessment and Intervention Initiative

---And, the agencies efforts to address and contain the opioid crisis.

Since his first stint with the BWC, Annarino has ammassed an extensive array of experience, serving as chief operating officer for Acloche, vice president of risk management for Sequent and vice president/general counsel at both CareWorks Consultants and CareWorks Family of Companies.

Annarino received his law degree from Capital Univeristy, and his bachelor's in criminal justice (with minors in philosopy and political science) from the University of Dayton.

In addition to the keynote presentation, the safety representatives from more than 125 companies will be honored for their outstanding safety records in 2017, including a special Certificate of Congressional Recognition and Achievement from United State Congressman David P. Joyce..

The meeting will be held at the Villa Croatia Event Venue & Party Center (The Croatian Lodge), 34900 Lakeshore Blvd., Eastlake, OH  44095, with registration beginning at 11:15 a.m. The cost of the event is $20 for members and $25 for non-members. Reservations may be made online at the LCSC web site listed below. The event is sponsored by:

---EA Group

---Lake Health

---HzW Environmental Consultants



Council Director
Andrea Vann
(440) 354-2310

Council Director Elect
Position Open

Council Secretary
Sue Fuerst
(440) 392-2975

Past Director
Mike Orlando
(440) 290-9785

Council Advisor
Bob Siktberg
(216) 383-4737

Council Liaison
Chris Weber-Bresky


(440) 255-1616

Steering Committee
Chris Brill-Packard
(440) 354-1933

Donna McCaskey
(440) 951-3514

Lee Silvi
(440) 525-7252

Clifford Smith
(440) 954-7653

Gordon Levar
(440) 479-1539

Joanne Clapp
(440) 259-2671

Council Assistant
Mark Wainwright
(440) 255-1616

Ohio Bureau of Workers'
Compensation Representative

Nikki Lorenzo Luna
Garfield Heights Office


Joan McAllister
Garfield Heights Office

Interested in joining our Steering Committee? Contact Mark Wainwright for more information.

Attendance - 03/16/18-Young Worker Safety

Action Door
Active Plumbing Supply
Aexcel Corporation
Alloy Precision Technologies
Amerathon, LLC
AMG Resources Corporation
Around the Clock Home Care
Beachwood City School District
Brotzman Nursery
Building Technicians Corporation
Career Centered Staffing
Cast Nylons Ltd.
Chemsultants International
Cintas Corporation
City of Eastlake
City of Kirtland
City of Mayfield Heights
City of Mentor-on-the-Lake
City of Willoughby
Classic Auto Group
Cometic Gasket, Inc.
Component Repair Technologies, Inc.
Concord Township
Conn-Selmer, Inc.
Contemporary Electric Inc.
CPP Eastlake
Crossroads Health
Crown Staffing Services, Inc.
CT Consultants
Dyson Corporation
Empro Job Network (Thomas Emp.)
Enterprise Welding & Fabricating
Euclid Fish Company
GBGI, Inc.
Grand Rock
Hardy Industrial Technologies
Henkel Consumer Adhesives, Inc./OSI
Home Care of Lake County
Hose Master LLC
HZW Environmental Consultants, LLC
Infinity Resources, Inc.
Inova Staffing Services
Just In Time Staffing
Kalcor Coatings Company
Kelly Services
Kerr Lakeside, Inc.
Kirtland Local Schools
Kline Rostocil Construction Corp.
Lake County Council on Aging
Lake County Nursery
Lake Metroparks
Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority
Lakeland Community College Retired
Lantern of Madison
Levin Furniture
Libra Industries
Life Safety Enterprises
Lincoln Electric
Lintern Corporation
Madison Fire District
Madison Local Schools
Maersch Environmental & Safety Consulting
Mapleview Country Villa
McPhillips Plumbing & HVAC Co.
Mentor Public Library
Mentor Public Schools
Metal Seal Precision
Metz Culinary Management
Midwest Materials
Mold Masters Intl. LLC
MT Heat Treating
North American Coating Laboratories
North Perry Village
Northeast Masonry
Omni Cart Services
Painesville City Board of Education
Painesville Township
Paisley Farm
Permanent Solution Staffing
Perry Township
Preformed Line Products Company
Process Technology
Pure Water Technology
R.T. & T Machining Inc.
Ranpak Corp.
RJ Kirkland Construction Co., Inc.
Royal Plastics Inc.
Safety Controls Technology
Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio
Sheet Metal Products Co., Inc.
Steris Endoscopy
Symphony at Mentor
Tom Schaefer Plumbing, Inc.
Transfer Express, Inc.
Tri County Ambulance Service
TT Electronics Integrated Mfg. Services
Umicore Specialty Materials Recycling
Universal Metal Products
University Hospitals
V.L. Chapman Electric
Vector Security
Vector Technical Inc
Village of Fairport Harbor
Village of Perry
Visiting Angels of Northeast Ohio
Western Reserve Water Systems
Wickliffe Country Place